Episode 543: Robin’s Picks for the Five 3rd Outfits in Street Fighter 6 Worth the Money


Well, this is what fans get for consistently screaming at Capcom for new costumes for Street Fighter 6. They got it in their head how badly we needed them so, when they did release them, Capcom got it in their head they could charge fans hand over fist for them. It’s kind of funny, actually. When they released the trailer showing off the 3rd outfits, fans were losing their minds with how good they looked and how much time Capcom put into additional flourishes like hair animation and the like. Now that they’re out and we found out they cost around $6 each and you had to buy them individually, fans started calling them money grubbing bastards! Those are the breaks, I guess.

As they are pretty pricey, you do have to be a bit choosy with what costumes you buy in Street Fighter 6. Like with everything with the Internet, I have my personal preferences and, strangely enough, a weird criteria when it came to picking which outfits I wanted to get. I only allocated myself enough money to buy 5 of the outfits and, when it came to picking which ones, I based my decision on a couple schools of thought. The first is how cool it looked on the character. That’s a no brainer. However, that decision could be superseded by how much better the 3rd outfit looked when compared to the costumes they already have. If any of their other costumes looked better, why get another?

So, with that, let’s go through my list, in no particular order, of the 5 outfits I did purchase from money grubbing Capcom!

#1 Juri’s Pajamas

Someone make that onesie and sell it online!

Looks very comfy!

Honestly, I’ve never been a big Juri fan but I can’t help but think Capcom keeps trying to get me to main her with outfits like this. This is weird as this is the most covered Juri has been in a while. Sure, most of her is covered up in her biker outfit but the skintight element shows off her curves so it’s even more sexy! Still, it wouldn’t be a Juri outfit if she didn’t show off some skin so I do like the opening showing off her bra. It’s oddly tasteful for her.

I also do like it quite a bit more than the other 2 outfits she has. They’re not bad but they’re things we’ve seen before in one form or another. I love how she goes with a more fuzzy fabric as well, making it stand out much more than most of the other 3rd costumes in Street Fighter 6.

#2 Marisa’s Wedding Dress

Here comes the… very muscular bride.

Love the open back here!

I never really liked Marisa’s other costumes. Her default gladiator outfit is fine but it just comes off a little too plain and unimaginative to me. Her business suit costume just doesn’t suit her as well as it doesn’t accentuate her feminine side. Marisa’s 3rd outfit, the wedding dress, on the other hand, perfectly shows she still just a girl despite being a mountain of a woman, which does feel like Marisa to me.

Add to that the intricate patterns implemented in the actual dress. The sheer sleeves with cool embroidery makes her look really elegant but she still shows her warrior side with the pseudo mohawk hairdo. This is the best Mommy Marisa costume, hands down!

#3 JP’s Native Nayshall

Finally letting his hair down, I see.

How does this old man manage to pull off all these styles flawlessly?

I’ve already talked about why I think JP is top tier. What I didn’t get to say is all of his outfits are top tier and JP manages to pull off the Native Nayshall look really well. Honestly, I didn’t think Capcom could make JP look any better as his other couple of outfits were just so dapper and suits him perfectly. This is why I couldn’t believe Capcom could make JP look more casual and still make it work! I guess it helps how it is a juxtaposition to his previous outfits, foregoing formal wear to a more loose and laid back outfit. It also kind of works in the Street Fighter 6’s story as JP is trying to seem like a good guy and what better way to do that is by dressing up like the natives of Nayshall, the country he’s supposedly trying to help.

Weirdly enough, what does put JP’s 3rd outfit on this list is the hair. I just love how well JP’s hair looks in this outfit! It’s technically not really made up as he just tied his locks into a ponytail. However, it does tie the entire look together for me. He’s top tier in both gameplay and outfits, I guess.

#4 Dee Jay’s Singing Superstar Suit

Still laid back but oh so flashy!

It’s like he’s wearing a disco ball!

For me, it wasn’t all that hard for Capcom to make a costume which looked much better than his original 2 costumes in Street Fighter 6. His default is good but just a little too stereotypical for me to think the designer focused too much about him being from Jamaica and not Dee Jay’s actual character and personality. His 2nd costume, which is basically his look from Super Street Fighter II, is just… ugh! I don’t like it! Capcom did Dee Jay right with his 3rd outfit as it highlights him being a megastar performer as well as his flamboyance.

I really do like how outlandish Dee Jay’s 3rd outfit is. It looks like it should be difficult to move in but he still makes it look so smooth. I love how all the little pieces of glittery fabric shines depending on how the light hits it. Oh, I also oddly love how he’s wearing leather shoes without any socks. That just feels like something Dee Jay would do!

#5 Zangief’s Librarian Suit

Get it? It’s because Zangief players have to “read” players?

Look how tiny that book seems in Zangief’s massive mitt!

When I was playing through Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode and then I got that scene where Zangief mentioned he was an avid reader and the image had him in a suit, I really hoped Capcom would make that his 3rd costume! Thankfully, they did just that! This is a beautiful outfit which shows the Red Cyclone is more than just a mass of muscles! He not only trains his body but his mind, too! There’s really a lot to like about this as, honestly, it’s a really beautifully tailored outfit and really stylish as well. I also love how Zangief wears reading glasses while in this outfit! That’s a really nice touch!

In retrospect, I guess it wasn’t too hard of a task for Capcom to design a 3rd costume to stand out as his other costumes in Street Fighter 6 are just variants of wrestling tights, either with pants or trunks. However, they did go above and beyond by giving Zangief an entire freaking suit! How he doesn’t split his pants while doing a Spinning Piledriver is a credit to his tailor!

BONUS: Whoever you have as your main

Well, my main is Guile, so of course I got his outfit.

Is it me or is it just wrong for Guile to not have his flat-top?

I actually don’t think Guile’s 3rd outfit is as good as his default costume. I like the casual look but it just seems strange to see him literally let his hair down as the flat top is pretty much Guile’s signature look. I still got it because, well, I main Guile! As I’m going to be using and seeing him the most, at least for now while he’s my main, I would like the option to change his look at my leisure.

Honestly, if you only have enough scratch to get a single costume, ignore this list and just get the one for your main. That’s the best advice I can give.


Who do you think has the best 3rd costume in Street Fighter 6? Let me know in the comments section below!

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