Ranking All the Announcements from EVO Japan 2024

Well, EVO Japan 2024 is done. Congrats to all of the winners! Some of the matches were really good so, if you’re a fighting game fan, I suggest you go check out a re-stream of it. But if you are already a part of the fighting game community, then the other thing you’re probably hyped about were all of the announcement they were rolling out throughout the three day event.

However, if I were to be honest, not all of them were as exciting as I hoped they were. So, let me go through the major reveals that were sprinkled throughout EVO Japan 2024 and give them a ranking based on how hyped I am.

Before we move to the list proper, I do have to mention I’m not including the upcoming Hunter x Hunter fighting game as it wasn’t announced during EVO Japan 2024. The official gameplay reveal was shown off before EVO Japan 2024.

Anyway, on to the reveals!

Breakers Revenge is moving to Chicago?

You gotta love it when they just announce something that’s genuinely a surprise.

I think I’m one of the few people left in the world who actually remembers playing the original Breakers Revenge at arcades. This was the time when games like Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat and Fatal Fury were leading a charge into a fighting game gold rush. Breakers Revenge fell into relative obscurity but has gained a cult-like following recently. So, striking while the iron is hot (again), Visco and exA-Arcade are releasing an updated version, which will include a new gameplay mode where you can play as different versions of the Breaker series, including the new “Chicago” groove.

To clear up something, the reason why it’s getting the “Chicago” subtitle is actually kind of a misnomer as the word is not pronounced like the city. It’s more like “Shi-Ka-Go,” which means something like “death protection.” At least, that’s what I got from Google Translate.

Anyway, I’m pretty excited for Breakers Revenge: Chicago because it is a cult classic and I generally love retro games gaining a new fanbase. Well, if the game is good, though. Thankfully, from what I’ve seen, the original Breakers Revenge is enjoyable and the Chicago edition will balance out the weaker and the stronger characters to make it even better. Hopefully, they make this a budget title so that everyone will be enticed to get it.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Marco Rodriguez is going to kick Butt!

One of the reasons why I was anticipating EVO Japan 2024 so much was to see if there was going to be any news regarding Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves. I loved the original Garou: Mark of the Wolves and I was heartbroken when SNK folded soon afterwards as we never got to see a sequel to this remarkable fighting game. Well, that was then and an actual sequel: City of the Wolves is in production! We got to see some of the characters in action but I was really looking forward to see who else was joining the roster. Well, in EVO Japan 2024, they revealed that Marco Rodriguez, the Kokugen-ryu fighter formerly known as Khusnood Butt, will be returning!

I do have some bad memories revolving around Marco Rodriguez during Garou: Mark of the Wolves as he was one of the scarier opponents to face during the arcade ladder. Then again, he was also one of the most straightforward characters in the game as he played like your standard Shoto. So, if you played Ryu or Ken, you probably already got a handle on how to play Marco Rodriguez.

Still, the trailer showed off more than just his moveset. The trailer showed off a good chunk of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves’ game mechanics, such as the Break system, where you can cancel some special attacks, and the High/Low Dodge Attack. I also love the callback to Art of Fighting 2 as the stage resembles Yuri’s gym from that game. Overall, a really good reveal and I can’t wait to see more what SNK has in store for the next Fatal Fury!

Rating: 9 out of 10

Slayer’s gotta slay

The Guilty Gear franchise sure has a lot of weird characters. From the titular artificially created beings known as Gears, time travelling gang leaders from the 20th century, sky pirates and even vampires. Speaking of the last item, Slayer is returning to Guilty Gear later in May to the delight of Guilty Gear fans everywhere.

Man, I really wish I was still into Guilty Gear Strive. Unfortunately, I just never got a good feel for the game so I just had to accept I wasn’t ever going to get good at it unless I put some time and effort. Time and effort I just couldn’t afford. So, despite enjoying it, I just thought it was too hard for me. So I had to drop it.

So, you can imagine my hype for Slayer isn’t all that high. I mean, he looks like a cool character as it looks like he has moves that can transform him into a younger version of himself. That makes me wonder how that’ll change how he plays. But, like I said, I dropped Guilty Gear Strive. So, good for Slayer fans but not for me.

Rating: 4 out of 10

The Prime Minister of Poland returns to Tekken (no, really)

Like with Guilty Gear, Tekken has had its share of insane characters. From bears, pandas, sentient sparring dummies, kangaroos, dinosaurs and an assortment of different robots, it’s had it all. So, it’s still shocking to me that they can surprise me with a new character like Lidia Sobieska. She is technically a normal human being but, then again, when has the leader of a country actually normal? Lidia made her debut in Tekken 7 as the Tekken universe’s Prime Minister of Poland in order to take on Heihachi Mishima in order to forcibly remove his Tekken forces from her country. Well, she’s back in Tekken 8!

Well, we don’t really see what Lidia can do as this was more of a teaser trailer for the character. The meat and potatoes of the video was a roadmap to what is coming to Tekken 8, such as an additional Story mode, probably for all the Season 1 DLC fighters, a balance update, a free stage in the Seaside Resort location, a Photo mode and even new moves for all characters maybe.

I do love how all of these things, besides Lidia, will be free for everyone, so I’m totally excited for this. The only thing that brings my hype down is that we didn’t really see Lidia do anything besides break some sticks and blocks of ice. If they showed off some gameplay, then my excitement levels would be through the roof.

Rating: 7 out of 10

Does it matter if he’s called Gouki or Akuma?

Well, I’m going to call him Akuma since that’s the name I’m used to using. So, we all knew Akuma was going to be the final Season 1 DLC character for Street Fighter 6. The only questions was how was he going to play. Well, we got a glimpse of what he can do at EVO Japan with a brand spanking new trailer featuring the Master of the Raging Demon himself!

It does look like they did a good job of translating Akuma over to Street Fighter 6. Not only does he look like a beefy beef monster, he looks like he’s going to be a very scary fighter to fight. Akuma still has all the moves he’s had from previous entries but it looks like he has his Rakan GoKyaku V-Skill 1 and even a new special double punch attack as well as a command grab from his Ashura Senkuu? That’s just scary! And it looks like his Level 3 becomes the Raging Demon?

I’m a little iffy with the stage. Sure, it’s super atmospheric with it being in a dank cave lit with literally thousands of candles. It’s a cool concept but not really the most interesting stage we’ve seen in Street Fighter 6. Still, seeing Akuma in action more than makes up for it.

Rating: 8 out of 10

What was your pick for the best reveal at EVO Japan 2024? Let me know in the comments section below!

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